goods declaration

goods declaration
межд. эк. товарная декларация (по определению Киотской конвенции: заявление по установленной таможенными органами форме, в котором заинтересованное лицо просит применить к товарам определенный таможенный режим и указывает подлежащие таможенному декларированию сведения, необходимые для применения такого режима)

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "goods declaration" в других словарях:

  • declaration — dec·la·ra·tion n 1: the act of declaring declaration of dividends declaration of war 2 a: the first pleading in a common law action compare complaint …   Law dictionary

  • declaration — [dek΄lə rā′shən] n. [ME declaracioun < OFr declaration < L declaratio] 1. the act of declaring; announcement 2. a thing declared 3. a formal statement; proclamation 4. a statement of taxable goods [a declaration at the customs office] 5 …   English World dictionary

  • declaration — The Board of Directors motion to authorize dividend payments. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary A declaration made in the appropriate form to Customs indicating the intention of the declarant to declare goods to the export or import procedure. HM… …   Financial and business terms

  • declaration — In common law pleading, the first of the pleadings on the part of the plaintiff in an action at law, being a formal and methodical specification of the facts and circumstances constituting his cause or action. It commonly comprises several… …   Black's law dictionary

  • declaration — In common law pleading, the first of the pleadings on the part of the plaintiff in an action at law, being a formal and methodical specification of the facts and circumstances constituting his cause or action. It commonly comprises several… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Declaration of Delhi — The New Delhi Congress or Declaration of Delhi was an international gathering of over 185 judges, lawyers, and law professors from 53 countries all over the world, united as the International Commission of Jurists that took place in New Delhi,… …   Wikipedia

  • declaration — /dek leuh ray sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of declaring; announcement: a declaration of a dividend. 2. a positive, explicit, or formal statement; proclamation: a declaration of war. 3. something that is announced, avowed, or proclaimed. 4. a document… …   Universalium

  • declaration — /dɛkləˈreɪʃən/ (say dekluh rayshuhn) noun 1. a positive, explicit, or formal statement, announcement, etc. 2. a proclamation: a declaration of war. 3. that which is proclaimed. 4. the document embodying the proclamation. 5. a statement of goods,… …  

  • declaration — dec•la•ra•tion [[t]ˌdɛk ləˈreɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) the act of declaring; announcement 2) a formal statement; proclamation 3) something that is announced or proclaimed 4) a document containing an announcement or proclamation 5) law Law. a) a formal… …   From formal English to slang

  • Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law — The Paris Declaration Respecting Maritime Law of 16 April 1856 was issued to abolish privateering. It regulated the relationship between neutral and belligerent and shipping on the high seas introducing new prize rules.[1] Contents 1 Major points …   Wikipedia

  • Operation Bringing Home the Goods — Part of the Second Intifada Date March 14, 2006 Location Jericho, West Bank R …   Wikipedia

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